由于狗的本性,即使在饭局之后,他们会去寻找食物。如果宠物接近儿童的餐具,不要惊慌。如果孩子没有吃完牛奶或果泥,这没关系。 Dog will eat child left food. However, this does not mean that these products should be included in the diet of man’s best friend.
婴儿的食物中包含动物和植物来源的蛋白质。奶酪、酸奶、果泥、肉奶糊、果冻或儿童谷物食品中所含的蛋白质含量适中。狗的胃适应高蛋白食品。 Dog stomach designed for food, which has up to 70% of meat. Dog enzymes are adapted to digestion of meat and fat. The same principle operates the diet of wolf, from which all modern domestic dogs had originated.
当狗吃剩饭时,不会有危险。 Dog and cat - representatives of the most resistant creatures on our planet. But there is no sense to test the resilience of the pet and to provoke disorders in its stomach.
不建议将婴儿食品(即使是用奶粉冲调的奶)和果泥作为狗的主要食物。 The pet will not be poisoned; it will be only deprived of the necessary trace elements, vitamins and minerals. The result of long-term consumption of “child diet” by a dog can be anemia or rickets.